Interquel: GAIA serves to bridge the gap between Blank Banshee 1 and MEGA.Downplayed in that while the genre has shifted, the general sound and ambience of the music has not. Genre Shift: Starting with Metamorphosis, Blank Banshee's works have moved away from the sample-based nature of Vaporwave and into the realm of broader electronic music.Gaia's Lament: Part of the apparent concept behind Blank Banshee 1.The Faceless: Blank does live performances and photoshoots with a disco-ball mask or with his mouth covered.Driven to Suicide: The "Eco Zones" video has Korean subtitles from the perspective of Doldrum Corp.'s President & CEO, explaining that the consequences of the pirates' attack has lead to him choosing suicide.This piece of sanctioned meme-ry shouts out Concerned Children's Advertisers."Teen Pregnancy" samples known Canadian television show Degrassi Junior High and.GAIA (or, at least, the ARG) goes into more depth about Xenos and his company's work, revealing that he obtained the patents for Doldrum Corp.'s technology following the CEO's death.MEGA tells the story of an unnamed Everyman as they team up with Cyan, "a girl about age", and Xenos, a scientist, to stop a meteor dubbed "MEGA" from colliding with Earth.Blank Banshee 1 revolves around Doldrum Corp., an evil corporation that has laid waste to the Earth and its inhabitants.Careful with That Axe: "My Machine", "Fund My Death".Likewise, the concept for GAIA is expanded upon in the XENOS Lab ARG note any word can be used as the "password"".All There in the Manual: The greater concept behind ''MEGA'' can be better understood by reading "Zero Day", a short story/ARG written to hype up the album.Based on the subsequent "XENOS Lab" ARG, it probably wasn't. All Just a Dream: The protagonist of "Zero Day" wonders if the events he's experienced are this trope.Metamorphosis (2019 available as an album with separate tracks or as a single DJ mix).It feels like there is going to be a lot more flexibility of play style.Blank Banshee is a Canadian musician, best known for codifying (and possibly even creating) the vaportrap subgenre of Vaporwave. One of the things that I don't like so much about TM is the relatively fixed opening moves. (Most of my regular group hasn't played Terra Mystica though, so I'll probably crush them even if I don't really know what I'm doing)Īlso, even without real experience, I'm really liking the variable setup. Just wondering what to expect as far as range of scores when we do get to play. Or I guess people can just talk about their experiences, whatever. I know that with the variable setup it's much harder to get a feel for a "good" score since so many of the scoring opportunities are dependent on setup, but I'm curious if anyone has match logs or if there's any information like that out there somewhere. They finished at 163 and 137 points respectively, and had some fun while figuring the game out. We haven't actually played together yet because of shipping time/life, but I read through the rules and played a 2-player game on my own, following the suggestions from the rulebook for your first game: Xenos and space birds. So my terrible, terrible friends bought Gaia Project for me as a birthday present. r/tabletopgamedesign - Designer's subreddit.

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